“The Struggles Along the Way are Only Meant to Shape You for Your Purpose.”

― Chadwick Boseman

I'm Jonas Togo.
A creative director and entrepreneur with a curious, stubborn, and leading mindset on a mission to find purpose and joy in life. My guidelines and values for doing so are; Curiosity, legacy and Self-Awareness.



Turning 30 I launched the TOQO organization that connects men around the world with one simple and powerful statement:Making men feel capable in
body and mind.
Our first goal is the #toqochallenge2024 which will test your physical and mental capabilities in 12 months and 12 challenges. Let's Go.


My personal involvement and creative direction on and off the camera are how we created unique and engaging stories together.


My investments and partnerships are built upon my skilled knowledge of creating an online identity, marketing that works, and brand in the business.

My mission statement

‘’I want to create my legacy by being a role model who leads through example in my daily actions’’

Contact me

Let's work together.

Thank you

I will reply back to you as soon as possible.